Photo Contest
The annual NMFWA Photography Contest will be held in conjunction with the Show and Tell Reception at the upcoming Annual Meeting and Training Workshop.
The contest rules are as follows:
Photos must be taken by the participant. Anyone registered at the NMFWA conference is eligible to enter.
Photos must be mounted on stiff backing such as photo board, art board, or foam core, etc. Matting is optional. Do not submit photos in glass frames. Each photo must have the name and address of the photographer clearly marked on the back, along with the entry category.
Photos must be at least 5 X 7 inches and no larger than 11 X 14 inches in size (not including mat or board). Color and black and white prints are acceptable. Slides are not allowed.
Each photo must qualify in one of the following categories:
Wildlife (any species is acceptable)
Installation field activities (photo must have been taken at a DoD installation or project site to qualify for this category)
Landscapes/scenic (any location is acceptable)
Humor/fun (includes wildlife or people in humorous poses, people taking part in fun activities such as NMFWA meeting, studio shots, etc.)
Botany (any plant species is acceptable; this includes fungi and alga)
Trail Camera
NMFWA gear in the wild (anyone wearing NMFWA gear in the field)
​Each participant may enter up to two photos in each category. One prize will be awarded in each category. Participants at the Show and Tell Reception will vote on the winning photos.
Bring your photos with you and submit them before the Show and Tell Session.
Members will vote on the best photo in each category.