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Silent Auction Information

Each year at the Annual Training Workshop, NMFWA holds a Silent Auction during the Show & Tell Reception! Items for the auction are donated entirely by our generous members, such as food or beverages local to your area, rare field books, art, outdoor gear—all have been great hits, so keep‘em coming! All of the Silent Auction proceeds go directly into the NMFWA Scholarship Fund, which helps with college tuition expenses for students pursuing degrees in natural resources. Preference for scholarship awards is given to members of NMFWA or relatives of NMFWA members, active duty or honorably discharged military service members, and individuals currently working or that have worked on Department of Defense lands. More information on our Scholarship Program can be found here:

If you have questions about the silent auction, please contact:


NOTE: Please bring your auction item with you to the conference.  If you need to ship a  an auction item, please see the UPS shipping instructions (attached document).  Please be advised that there is a receiving cost when you pick up the item at the UPS store.

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Property of The National Military Fish and Wildlife Association  

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