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Bird/Wildlife Aircraft Strike Hazard (BASH) has been an issue on both military and civilian airfields during low-level approach and departures for many years.  The presence of birds that contribute to BASH problems results from a complex array of interactions among their primary life-history needs-- food, cover, and/or presence of water.  Despite significant improvements in BASH programs on DoD installations, bird and wildlife strikes continue to be a source of military aircraft damage as well as a threat to aircrew safety and mission readiness activities.   The BASH Working Group strives to work with military and civilian personnel within DoD to transfer ideas and new technology, share ideas, and work synergistically to promote improved flight safety. The goals of the NMFWA BASH Working Group are to:

  • Facilitate communication and information exchange among members of NMFWA and the DoD interested or involved with BASH Programs

  • Increase awareness of issues related to BASH and flight saftey.

The BASH Working Group’s objectives are to:

  1. Provide regular communication among members of NMFWA interested in BASH Programs through meetings and workshops, e-mail discussions, newsletters, and other publications.

  2. Promote membership in NMFWA to DOD and other federal, state, Tribal, and non-governmental professionals interested in BASH Programs.

  3. Provide NMFWA members information and technical assistance on BASH as it pertains to natural resource management, including vulnerability and risk assessments and strategies.

  4. Make recommendations to the NMFWA Board of Directors for specific actions by NMFWA in the area of BASH Programs.

  5. Develop draft technical reviews, position statements, and other materials on BASH Programs for consideration by the NMFWA Board of Directors.

  6. Provide information and technical assistance to government officials, journalists, educators, other organizations, and the general public on adaptive management of natural resources in response to climate change BASH Programs on military installations. The NMFWA website shall be the primary method of disseminating information.

  7. Develop and share strategies for management of natural resources related to BASH Programs.

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Property of The National Military Fish and Wildlife Association  

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